PSN Resolver Download Free – PlayStation Resolver IP Puller

PSN resolvers are tools that translate PSN and PlayStation player usernames to IP addresses and vice versa. PSN resolvers are used by PlayStation gamers to isolate or identify PSN accounts that may be theirs or someone they know. If you’re a PlayStation gamer, and you’re lost, frustrated or just simply want to help a friend find their account on the PSN — this post is for you.

We’ve compiled all the information you need in one place – our top picks for the best free PSN resolver software programs and services. We’ll even tell you how these tools work and why they’re better than any other solution on the market today.

What is a PSN Resolver?

PSN resolvers are a set of tools used to locate or identify lost PSN accounts.   When a player loses or forgets their PSN username, they have no other choice but to search for it online. One way that players do this is by using a free PSN resolver tool, which translates usernames into IP addresses and vice versa.

The most popular gaming networks like Steam, Xbox Live, and the PSN offer support for only English-language usernames and account names. The maximum length is also limited to 16 characters (including spaces) per PSN account name.

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PSN Resolver Download

Using a PSN Resolver Tool

PSN resolvers aren’t the only solution for players who are going through an account-related problem. However, they do have a couple of advantages over other options like emailing support. By using a PSN resolver program you can find your username and password up to 2 times per month for free, in addition to other data about the PSN account that you’re looking for.

This gives you a very good chance of finding your account if someone else has managed to find it, as well as having the opportunity to change your username if needed.

psn resolver

What is a PSN Resolver IP Address?

A PSN resolver IP address is the same thing as a PSN Resolver. It’s software that translates usernames into an online address (an IP address) and vice versa. A good free PSN resolver tool will usually have both options for searching for accounts, and here are some examples of programs you can use.

How Do They Work?

This data is used by both PlayStation and Xbox gamers to track down forgotten usernames or account information. Moreover, it’s crucial for gamers to know how the information is handled and how it is used. The data is obtained by using a tool to translate usernames into their IP addresses and vice versa.

PSN Resolver Free Download – PlayStation Resolver IP Puller

PSN Resolvers are a set of tools used to locate or identify lost PSN accounts. When a player loses or forgets their PSN username, they have no other choice but to search for it online. One way that players do this is by using a free PSN resolver tool, which translates usernames into IP addresses and vice versa.

How does PSN Resolver Work?

PSN resolvers work by making multiple checks against the PSN network to achieve the following: 

Find a matching username using an auto-completion tool. This is the most common use of a PSN resolver and it’s also the easiest to implement. By using this method it won’t take long before you find an exact match for your username, or something very close. Using this method, you will be able to identify your account in one of two ways: 

 You can request that Sony change the password for this account and then claim ownership of it.  Or you can attempt to reset the password for this account and then claim ownership right away. 

Find your username by making a request with the PSN network. If the username you’re looking for isn’t available on the network then it was probably never registered. This is a slight variation on finding an exact match but in this method, you have to find possible matches, and then make a request with Sony to have it removed from their system. Because there are millions of possible usernames, this could take some time before you find one that’s close enough for Sony to remove. 

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About PSN Resolver

PSN resolvers are used by PlayStation gamers to isolate or identify PSN accounts that may be theirs or someone they know. If you’re a PlayStation gamer, and you’re lost, frustrated or just simply want to help a friend find their account on the PSN — this post is for you.

We’ve compiled all the information you need in one place – our top picks for the best free PSN resolver 2022 software programs and services. We’ll even tell you how these tools work and why they’re better than any other solution on the market today.

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Can You Delete Your PSN Account?

If you have no access to a PlayStation then your only option is to ask Sony for help. It’s very likely that Sony will want to charge you for removing your username from their database, so make sure it’s worth it to you. 

How do I use a PSN Resolver?

The way that the resolver work varies between different programs. Here are some examples of what they can help with: 

Find your account information

 These tools will work with almost all networks, however, some offer more features than others. You should check out what features are available in a given resource before deciding which to use.

The most popular networks like Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, and Steam have the ability to update account information and contact details online in the user agreement that’s presented at login time. 

Update your account information

It’s possible to update or change your password, billing information, and in-game settings through the PSN or Xbox Live website. However, it can be a bit complicated if you’re not sure what you’re doing.

Changing your login name is much simpler and this is how you’ll use the resolver tool to change it in most cases. The resolvers aren’t the only solution for players who are going through an account-related problem. However, they do have a couple of advantages over other options like emailing support.

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